South African students action for the Week Against the Apartheid Wall
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South African students action for the Week Against the Apartheid Wall

As part of the Johannesburg South Africa events for the 8th global Week against the Apartheid Wall, a student orientated initiative set up a few events.

At the University of the Witwatersrand, students writing their end of year exams were handed fact sheets about the apartheid Wall. This information campaign gave many students new insight and aimed to improve awareness about the realities and illegality of the Wall.

A very well received event was the screening of the documentary ‘Iron Wall’. The film was a good way to deepen knowledge about, and sparked great discussion on, the Wall, Israeli occupation as well as Boycott Divestment & Sanctions at many levels. The event allowed for a constructive and relaxed space where interested newcomers could engage and share ideas with some prominent emerging BDS activists in South Africa. ***image2***

A final element of the events was a longer lasting visual campaign. Graffiti tags were painted in ‘student areas’ on sites between the University of Johannesburg and the University of Witwatersrand. These eye catching little reminders will stay up even after Week Against the Apartheid Wall finishes – directing more people to the Stop the Wall website, hopefully helping to further grow Palestinian solidarity and support from SA.