Youth in Kafr Qaddoum critically injured with 3 skull fractures
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Youth in Kafr Qaddoum critically injured with 3 skull fractures


An Israeli soldier shot 19 year old Wasim Barham with a tear gas canister in the head from some 30 meters distance, eye witnesses said. Wasim Barham was participating at the weekly protests in his village, Kafr Qaddoum.

After being targeted by the tear gas canister, he was rushed to Rafadia Hospital in Nablus anhad to undergo an emergency surgery to treat three skull fractures. Tareq, 28, was also injured in his hand and leg with rubber bullets.
Protests are held every Friday in Kafr Qaddum since July 2011. They have been sparked by Israel's ongoing closure of the main road linking the village to its nearest city, Nablus.  

Kafr Qaddoum has seen land confiscation and settler violence with 1976, when Israel built the now 3000 inhabitants strong Kedumim settlement that surrounds the village on five hilltops.

The main road from Kafr Qaddoum to Nablus was closed in 2003 for cars and in 2005 closed as well for foot traffic. The people of Kafr Qaddoum entered into years of legal fights and finally in November 2010 got a positive verdict from an Israeli court that the road should be re-opened. However, the Israeli military then stated the road was unfit for use and should therefore stay closed.

Finally, almost a year ago, the people of Kafr Qaddoum started weekly protests which have been met with heavily violence and intimidation.