Occupation forces suppressed an activity to plant olive seedlings in Susia area
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Occupation forces suppressed an activity to plant olive seedlings in Susia area

15 2 2014, Israeli occupation forces suppressed an activity to plant olive seedlings  in Susia area in Hebron,  they also prevented activists from reaching Al Mkfarah and Atwana regions to plant olive seedlings. 


More than 150 Stop the Wall and Farmers Union activists planted 200 olive seedlings in Susia area and distributed 300 seedlings to the people of Al Mkfarah and Atwana regions, that is within the "Million Trees" campaign rendered by  the Arab Society for the Protection of Nature. Even that occupation forces suppressed the activity, some activists were able  to plant some seedlings in Susia area and distributed the rest of seedlings to the people of Al Mkfarah and Atwana regions.


Yousef Al-Tameezi, the coordinator of the campaign in Hebron, said that the occupation forces suppressed the participants by spraying waste water at them, as well as preventing them from reaching Al Mkfarah and Atwana areas that the occupation forces announced as closed military zones. He confirmed that  these events will continue to support Palestinian citizens and their steadfastness in the territories threatened by the occupation army and settlers; and that the suppression of the activists will not stop them from continuing these events.