Ongoing Resistance in the West Bank
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Ongoing Resistance in the West Bank

Since the beginning of the massacre in Gaza on July 7th 2014, all eyes of the international media are focused on this Israeli military aggression. But also in the West Bank resistance and repression has increased: the clashes between Palestinian activists and the Israeli military on the checkpoints have escalated during this time. Palestinians in the West Bank mobilized in solidarity with the people in Gaza in daily acts of resistance while the Israeli military took advantage of the focus on Gaza to kill, repress, arrest and further expand their settlements.

Intensifed clashes at the checkpoints

During the Israeli massacre in Gaza, the Palestinians in the West Bank took to the streets in solidarity with the people in the occupied Strip. Following a call from Gaza upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank on July 24th, mass protests were staged against the ceaseless military offensive. More than ten thousand people marched the following day, which was declared as a „Day of Rage“ to the Qalandiya-Checkpoint in Ramallah.

A 22 year old Palestinian who joined the mass protests said: “Friends told me about the mass protest a day before, so I decided to join. The next day, I went at 9 p.m. in the evening to the Qalandia-Checkpoint. I throw stones as an act of resistance against the massacre in Gaza. I don't have weapons. The only way to resist is to throw stones. And if there would be another mass protest, I would defintely join again“.

The repression escalated later in the night: Two people died and more then 60 were injured.
These killings further fuelled as well clashes in the Old-City of Jerusalem, Nablus, Betlehem and Hebron.

Tearing down the Apartheid Wall

Another way of resistance is shown by people who are continuing to fight the Apartheid Wall that is destroying their land and lives – they tear it down piece by piece. The Apartheid Wall is more then 750 km long and was confirmed illegal in 2004 by the International Court of Justice. Ten years after the statement has been anounced, Israel still refuses to dismantle the Wall and the international community still does not respect its own obligation not to aid and assist the construction of the Wall and the maintenance of the regime created by it.

On various occasions, such as the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall in 2009 or on 15 May 2013, which marked the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Israeli state and the Nakba, high profile events to tear down pieces of the Wall have been staged. Media from across the world reported how Palestinians have taken this case into her own hands. However, away from media coverage, villagers are continuing these actions and have increased them during the last month. In Abu Dees parts of the Apartheid Wall has been torn down by activists. During the month of this Ramadan young Palestinians repeated this act of resistance again during the nights in several cities like Abu Dees and Hebron.

It is the right of the Palestinian people to defend their land and lives against Israel‘s illegal policies of occupation, apartheid and colonialism and it is fundamental that ongonig mobilization ensures that no crime will ever be considered 'normal‘.