Weekly Repression Update 18-25 October 2010
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Weekly Repression Update 18-25 October 2010

Period: Monday 18 October  to Monday 25 October 2010



1)     Arrests of HRDs

Arrests of human rights defenders involved in the Silwan peace tent continued, and three minors from Silwan were also arrested. Farmers trying to access their land during the olive harvest also faced arrest.


2)     Violence against HRDs

Violence against HRDs in this week was mainly related to the weekly protests, where some suffered from tear gas bomb injuries and asphyxiation


3)     Collective punishment

A  school near Nablus was burned and its walled covered with racist graffiti by settlers. In Hebron the house of a grassroots committee member was raided and some agricultural land was closed off so farmers couldn’t access it for the olive harvest


1) Arrests of HRDs and Minors

New arrests



Place: Silwan (Jerusalem)

Date of arrests: Monday 18 October

Names: Shadi Abu Hamam (12), Mohamed Da’na (12), Muslim Ouda (10)

Circumstances: The minors were arrested, along with 5 others, and one of them (Muslim) was beaten and abused beforehand


Place: Silwan (Jerusalem)

Date of arrests: Monday 18 October

Names: Mahdi Amin Abbasi (24), Imad al-Din Khalil Abbasi (23), A’aeed Khalil Abbasi (21), Mohammed Khalil Abbasi (19), Rami Ziad Aouda (28), Abd Khalil Aouda (17)

Circumstances: Four members of the Abbasi family were arrested along with two others


Place: Wadi Hilweh, Silwan (Jerusalem)

Date of arrests: Tuesday 19 October

Names: Mahmoud Rwidy, 40 years old

Circumstances: Following the threat by Isreali police to demolish the Silwan protest tent, Mahmoud Rwidy, nephew of the protest tent organiser, was severely beaten and arrested


Place: Nabi Saleh

Date of arrests: Friday 22 October

Names: Zaid al Shoaybi and Fadi Quraan

Circumstances: the two students from Berzeit University were arrested during the Friday protests

Place: Beit Ummar, Hebron


Date of arrests: Saturday 23 October

Names: Bilal Issa Abu Hashem, 18 years old

Circumstances: The Israeli Occupation Forces arrested Bilal during the weekly protest


Place: Beit Ummar, Hebron

Date of arrests: Saturday 23 October

Names: Marwan Jousef Abu Sabha and Ibarheem Hammad Abu Sabha

Circumstances: Occupation Forces imposed a military closure around land owned by the farmers who were taking part in the olive harvest. The two farmers were beaten as they tried to defend their land before being arrested.


Place: Beit Ummar, Hebron

Date of arrests: Saturday 23 October

Names: Allam al zaakek 16 years old, and Muhannad Awad 18 years old

Circumstances: The two were arrested during the weekly protest




No information available



Past court hearings: No information available


Upcoming court hearings: no information available



No information available


On 20 October Human Rights Watch reported that in the last month there had been two cases of torture of detainees by Palestinian security services in a prison in Jericho. Detainees were subjected to various forms of torture, including being tied in the shabeh position and being put into solitary confinement. Human Rights Watch called on the PA to conduct independent investigations into the torture allegations and prison conditions and to prosecute those responsible. It also called on international donors to the PA to insist on greater accountability and for such abuses. For more information visit the Human Rights Watch website: https://www.hrw.org/en/news/2010/10/20/west-bank-reports-torture-palestinian-detention

2) Violence against HRDs


No information available

Injuries with live rounds

No information available

Other serious injuries


Name: Lama Abdullah abu Rahma, 8 years old and Mohammad al Khateeb, 17 years old and Ahmad Burnat, 17 years old

Place: Bil’in

Date of injury: Friday 22 October

Circumstances: The three were injured during the weekly protest, with the 8 year old suffering tear gas asphyxiation and the other being hit by tear gas bombs to the leg


Name: French activist (name unknown), 65 years old

Place : Al Masara

Date of Injury: Friday 22 October

Circumstances: The human rights defender was injured to the head by a tear gas bomb during the weekly protest




No information available  

3) Collective Punishment

Damage of property


Place: Al Sawya girls’ school, Nablus

Date: Wednesday 20 October

Circumstances: Settlers burned the school and wrote racist words on its walls 



Place: Beit Ummar, Hebron

Date of closure: Saturday 23 October

Time of closure: Uknown

Circumstances: Settlers under protection of the Israeli Occupation Forces attacked farmers on their agricultural land before declaring it a closed military area



Place: Beit Ummar, Hebron

Date of incursion: Saturday 23 October

Circumstances: The houses of grassroots committee members Ahmed Khalil abu Hashem and Musa abu Maria were attacked by the IOF, who ordered Ahmed Khalil to be interrogated by the Israeli intelligence officials for the 8th time in a year


 No information available