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BNC announces: 2nd National Conference on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)

In commemoration of 62 years of Nakba Simultaneous translation will be provided The BDS National Committee (BNC) cordially invites you to the Second National Conference on BDS: a strategy for civil resistance. The conference aims to raise awareness about BDS as an effective and critical civil resistance strategy, expand the adoption by Palestinian civil society […]

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Bil’in: disabled child injured

The Israeli repression of the weekly protest against the Wall has resulted in the injury of Tarek Adnan Abo Rahma, 14 years old, who was shot in the foot by a teargas canister. Along with international supporters, the people from Bil’in dedicated this week’s protest against the Wall and the settlements once again to the […]

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Ni’lin calls for Boycott of Israeli goods

For two years now, the village of Ni’lin, week after week, has taken part in a struggle against the Apartheid Wall and the Settlements. On this occasion, the Friday prayer which precedes the weekly protests was dedicated to the memory of all the sacrifices the village has had to make, while protestors carried banners calling […]

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Ni’lin calls for Boycott of Israeli goods

For two years now, the village of Ni’lin, week after week, has taken part in a struggle against the Apartheid Wall and the Settlements. On this occasion, the Friday prayer which precedes the weekly protests was dedicated to the memory of all the sacrifices the village has had to make, while protestors carried banners calling […]