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Resistance in the villages of Bil’in and al-Khader escalates to challenge ghettoization

***image2***In Bil’in and al-Khader, hundreds of villagers united in mass protests to confront large deployments of Occupation forces and to continue their resistance against the Apartheid Wall and the continued Zionist aggression. In Bil’in the Occupation forces had to face powerful determination from villagers who undertook to defend their land and village. Bil’in village has […]

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Euskal Herria (the Basque Country) with Palestine!

On Saturday July 8th, 2006 around 1,000 people demonstrated on the streets of Bilbao in support of Palestine. The march started at 5:30 pm in front of the Arriaga theatre and then proceeded in a powerful demonstration throughout the capital of the Basque country. During the march, Palestinian music was played and slogans such as […]

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South Africans calls for end of diplomatic ties with Apartheid Israel and prepares for popular mass campaigns!

On the 10th of July, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (South Africa) convened an urgent media conference in response to the escalating massacres of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Various other political and social forces joined the PSC, as the groups united to announce a series of demands to the South African government, the international community […]

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Indonesia’s tennis team boycotts Apartheid Israel

The Indonesian women’s tennis team, scheduled to play a Fed Cup play-off in Israel on the 15th and 16th of July, have pulled out of the tie in an act of solidarity with Palestinians. The Indonesian Tennis Federation (PELTI) and government officials from the foreign and sports ministries decided to boycott the games after the […]

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Two years after the ICJ decision: Protests throughout West Bank against Apartheid Wall and Occupation war crimes in Gaza

***image2***Resistance against the Apartheid Wall continued two years after the ICJ ruled the structure illegal, as the popular Anti-Apartheid Wall committees organized a series of demonstrations across the West Bank. Palestinians challenged the Occupation, and denounced its onslaught against people besieged in Gaza, as the struggle against the racist Wall and Israeli Apartheid continued. Protests […]

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Worldwide actions to stop Occupation’s War Crimes strengthen Palestinian resistance on second anniversary of ICJ decision!

This year the 9th of July is a bitter day for Palestinians. The Occupation Army besieges Gaza, massacres its people and attacks its infrastructure. The ghettos of the West Bank take shape as the Apartheid Wall edges closer to completion and the Palestinian exodus from Jerusalem has begun. Over 9000 Palestinians rot in Israeli prison […]