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Confronting the Apartheid Wall – Saffa and Bil’in Villagers Eject Occupation Forces

***image2***On Thursday February 17th Occupation Forces along with their entourage of Wall path technicians entered the villages of Saffa and Bil’in. They surveyed the area in order to determine the Wall’s path in the two villages. The Wall is planned to continue in its second phase from Salfit district to Ramallah district and will surround […]

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Spanish Solidarity Groups Hold First National Strategy Meeting on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

On the 5th and 6th of March, Palestinian solidarity activists from across Spain gathered for a forum on how to implement the calls made from the grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. The grassroots organization reflects the position of a vast array of Palestinian civil society which has highlighted how […]

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Spanish Solidarity Groups Hold First National Strategy Meeting on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

On the 5th and 6th of March, Palestinian solidarity activists from across Spain gathered for a forum on how to implement the calls made from the grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. The grassroots organization reflects the position of a vast array of Palestinian civil society which has highlighted how […]

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The Domino Effect: World Council of Churches joins growing movement for divestment against Israel

This week the World Council of Churches (WCC) joined an ever expanding movement across the Christian World and condemned the “illegal” Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza while highlighting plans to apply “economic pressure” on Israel. Reminiscent of the Anti-Apartheid boycotts which rocked the racist regime of South Africa during the 1980s, the […]

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The Domino Effect: World Council of Churches joins growing movement for divestment against Israel

This week the World Council of Churches (WCC) joined an ever expanding movement across the Christian World and condemned the “illegal” Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza while highlighting plans to apply “economic pressure” on Israel. Reminiscent of the Anti-Apartheid boycotts which rocked the racist regime of South Africa during the 1980s, the […]

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Apartheid Wall destroys Beit Surik’s Lands

***image2***Occupation Forces have started destroying lands in Beit Surik village northwest of Jerusalem for the Apartheid Wall. The Occupation bulldozers began razing lands in the northwestern part of the village on the 26th of February next to the settlement of Haradar. Haradar was built on 1500 dunums of land stolen from the village in 1980. […]

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Acari Favela, Brazil: Start the campaign against the Apartheid Wall and against Israeli Occupation!

The visit of a delegate from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign last year, together with encounters with the visiting Palestinian community in Brazil during the recent World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, have led to new solidarity ties between people from the Favela (slum) of Acari in Rio de Janeiro and Palestinians under Israeli occupation. […]