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In Jordan: Unions and Political Groups Stage a Campaign against the Apartheid Wall and Denounce Normalization with the Occupation

In early December, a group of Jordanian political parties, unions, and civil groups joined together in a campaign to pressure the government to scrap its 10-year-old peace treaty with Apartheid Israel. The demand is part of the group’s campaign against the Apartheid Wall. In a statement released on December 8, the Jordanian coalition stated: “The […]

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In Jordan: Unions and Political Groups Stage a Campaign against the Apartheid Wall and Denounce Normalization with the Occupation

In early December, a group of Jordanian political parties, unions, and civil groups joined together in a campaign to pressure the government to scrap its 10-year-old peace treaty with Apartheid Israel. The demand is part of the group’s campaign against the Apartheid Wall. In a statement released on December 8, the Jordanian coalition stated: “The […]

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In Deir Ballut: Occupation Forces Distribute New Maps for the Apartheid Wall’s Path and Begin Bulldozing for the Wall’s Construction on Village Lands

On December 14, 2004, Occupation Forces began bulldozing and destroying lands in Deir Ballut village, located in the western part of Salfit District (see maps below), in preparation for the completion of the Apartheid Wall’s construction in the central West Bank. Occupation Forces are now bulldozing the lands located to the southwest of Deir Ballut […]

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In Egypt: Palestine Solidarity and Anti-Globalization Activists Stage a Solidarity March to Gaza and Protest against Normalization with the Occupation

***image2***Two separate sets of protests last week by Palestine solidarity activists showed the strength of the grassroots movement against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid in Egypt. On December 10, a solidarity march of 200 Egyptian and international activists set out from Cairo in five buses, intending to drive to the Gaza border to highlight the dramatic […]

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In Egypt: Palestine Solidarity and Anti-Globalization Activists Stage a Solidarity March to Gaza and Protest against Normalization with the Occupation

***image2***Two separate sets of protests last week by Palestine solidarity activists showed the strength of the grassroots movement against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid in Egypt. On December 10, a solidarity march of 200 Egyptian and international activists set out from Cairo in five buses, intending to drive to the Gaza border to highlight the dramatic […]

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In Jayyus, Destruction of Land and Uprooting of Trees Lays the Foundation for a New Settlement on Village Land Isolated by the Wall

***image2***On December 10, 2004, Occupation Forces began bulldozing and uprooting trees in a wide swath of land in the western part of Jayyus, a village located in the Qalqiliya district. The destruction of land and trees by the Occupation Forces is to build a new settlement on these village lands, which have been isolated by […]