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In Qaffin: The Apartheid Gates and the Policy of “Permits”

***image2***Occupation Forces continue to refuse to issue its so-called “permits” for the citizens of Qaffin village, located in the northern Tulkarm District. Only 650 people from Qaffin have “permits”, while the number of people that have requested to access their lands which the Occupation Forces have now made inaccessible due to the building of the […]

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Cries of “Free Free Palestine” and “Isolate Apartheid Israel” fill the streets of South Africa to oppose the Israeli officials’ visit.

***image2***The streets of Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban reverberated this weekend with cries of “Free Free Palestine”, “Isolate Apartheid Israel”, “Boycott Israel” and “No to Bantustans”, to mark the forthcoming visit of Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to South Africa. Thousands of people took to the streets. On Saturday’s evening news, scenes from the […]

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Cries of “Free Free Palestine” and “Isolate Apartheid Israel” fill the streets of South Africa to oppose the Israeli officials’ visit.

***image2***The streets of Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban reverberated this weekend with cries of “Free Free Palestine”, “Isolate Apartheid Israel”, “Boycott Israel” and “No to Bantustans”, to mark the forthcoming visit of Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to South Africa. Thousands of people took to the streets. On Saturday’s evening news, scenes from the […]