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Palestinian and Lebanese Cultural Forums Rally in Beirut Against the Apartheid Wall

On Sunday, July 18th, 2004, Palestinian and Lebanese cultural forums called for a mass demonstration and sit-in in Beirut, in front of the United Nations ESCWA building. The overall slogan of the demonstration was “We will work together until the Apartheid Wall in Palestine Falls!” ***image1***Both Palestinian and Lebanese demonstrators participated in the sit-in, with […]

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Palestinian and Lebanese Cultural Forums Rally in Beirut Against the Apartheid Wall

On Sunday, July 18th, 2004, Palestinian and Lebanese cultural forums called for a mass demonstration and sit-in in Beirut, in front of the United Nations ESCWA building. The overall slogan of the demonstration was “We will work together until the Apartheid Wall in Palestine Falls!” ***image1***Both Palestinian and Lebanese demonstrators participated in the sit-in, with […]

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Global Anti-War Strategy Meeting in Beirut

Where Next for the Peoples’ Movements… Against War and Imperialism? 17-19 September 2004 Beirut, Lebanon Following the fake June 30 “handover” of sovereignty, the United States’ military, economic and political occupation of Iraq continues and, along with it, the deliberate de- stabilization of the region. At the same time, the Bush administration has given the […]

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Global Anti-War Strategy Meeting in Beirut

Where Next for the Peoples’ Movements… Against War and Imperialism? 17-19 September 2004 Beirut, Lebanon Following the fake June 30 “handover” of sovereignty, the United States’ military, economic and political occupation of Iraq continues and, along with it, the deliberate de- stabilization of the region. At the same time, the Bush administration has given the […]