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Palestine Solidarity Campaign Expresses It’s Support for Azmi Bishara

The Wall Must Fall! End the Occupation! The Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK expresses support and solidarity with Azmi Bishara, Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset and his fellow hunger strikers in Ar-Ram, East Jerusalem. This extremely brave act of resistance to Israel’s Apartheid Wall should be supported by the whole of the British and International […]

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PSC Supports Israeli MP on Hunger Strike

***image1***Issued by the Palestine Solidarity Committee of South Africa The Palestine Solidarity Committee PSC extends its support to 1948 Palestinian Parliamentarian (MK) Azmi Bishara for having embarked on a courageous hunger strike yesterday against Israel’s building of the Apartheid Wall in the West Bank. MK Azmi Bishara wants to highlight the plight of Palestinian communities […]

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PSC Supports Israeli MP on Hunger Strike

***image1***Issued by the Palestine Solidarity Committee of South Africa The Palestine Solidarity Committee PSC extends its support to 1948 Palestinian Parliamentarian (MK) Azmi Bishara for having embarked on a courageous hunger strike yesterday against Israel’s building of the Apartheid Wall in the West Bank. MK Azmi Bishara wants to highlight the plight of Palestinian communities […]