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Resistance to the Apartheid Wall Continues All Week in Zawiya

Map of Affected Locality: Above: A map showing the ghetto that will be built around Zawiya, Rafat, and Deir Balut. The Apartheid Wall is shown in dark blue, with isolated Palestinian lands show in green. Related Items: Full Map of Apartheid Wall Photos of the resistance in Zawiya The people in Zawiya continue their resistance […]

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Palestinians Resist Racist Zionism in Ar Ram and Say No to the Apartheid Wall

Mobilization is underway today in the Ar Ram area, where Palestinians continue to resist the Apartheid Wall. Demonstrations are scheduled following Friday prayers and will continue through the week, as Occupation Forces are working at a fast pace, quickly demolishing the area. The map below shows the devastating path of the Apartheid Wall through the […]

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Palestinians Resist Racist Zionism in Ar Ram and Say No to the Apartheid Wall

Mobilization is underway today in the Ar Ram area, where Palestinians continue to resist the Apartheid Wall. Demonstrations are scheduled following Friday prayers and will continue through the week, as Occupation Forces are working at a fast pace, quickly demolishing the area. The map below shows the devastating path of the Apartheid Wall through the […]

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Palestinians Resist Racist Zionism in Ar Ram and Say No to the Apartheid Wall

Mobilization is underway today in the Ar Ram area, where Palestinians continue to resist the Apartheid Wall. Demonstrations are scheduled following Friday prayers and will continue through the week, as Occupation Forces are working at a fast pace, quickly demolishing the area. The map below shows the devastating path of the Apartheid Wall through the […]

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Palestinians Resist Racist Zionism in Ar Ram and Say No to the Apartheid Wall

Mobilization is underway today in the Ar Ram area, where Palestinians continue to resist the Apartheid Wall. Demonstrations are scheduled following Friday prayers and will continue through the week, as Occupation Forces are working at a fast pace, quickly demolishing the area. The map below shows the devastating path of the Apartheid Wall through the […]