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Stop the Assassinations of the Palestinian People!

The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign mourns the death of Diya’ Abd el Kareem Eid, martyred today in Biddu village. Diya’, 24 years old, was protesting against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on his villages’ land when he was targeted by Occupation forces using live rounds. Diya’ was shot in the chest, and taken by ambulance […]

Posted inUncategorized

Stop the Assassinations of the Palestinian People!

The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign mourns the death of Diya’ Abd el Kareem Eid, martyred today in Biddu village. Diya’, 24 years old, was protesting against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on his villages’ land when he was targeted by Occupation forces using live rounds. Diya’ was shot in the chest, and taken by ambulance […]

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Stop the Assassinations of the Palestinian People!

The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign mourns the death of Diya’ Abd el Kareem Eid, martyred today in Biddu village. Diya’, 24 years old, was protesting against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on his villages’ land when he was targeted by Occupation forces using live rounds. Diya’ was shot in the chest, and taken by ambulance […]