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Report: Israeli Repression and Apartheid – April 2015

During the month of April, the Israeli Occupation continued to accelerate the construction of its illegal settlements and increased repression of the people resisting the colonization. The implementation of the settlement project, and the destruction of Palestinian farms and properties that comes with it, is part of the systematic policy of ethnic cleansing and population […]

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Letter to EU – Act now on Israeli military training

Today, May 4 2015, the Land Defense Coalition and the Jordan Valley Solidarity has submitted a letter to the EU Commission and diplomatic missions of member states asking for urgent action and denouncing the military exercises that Israel is holding to an unprecedented length and extent in the Jordan Valley occupied Palestinian territory. The organizations […]

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NOW: Israeli military operation ongoing in Twayyel

Since Sunday morning at 4 am Israeli military is operating in a large area around Twayyel, in Aqraba area in the Jordan Valley. Large swaths of agricultural land and a good part of the people's harvest has already been destroyed while the operations defined by Israel as 'military training' are still ongoing.  Since a week, […]

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Barclays bank is out of Elbit’s shareholder list

UK high street bank Barclays is no longer listed as a shareholder in Elbit Systems, the major Israeli military company that manufactures drones used in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians and helps Israel build its illegal Apartheid wall. The news follows a high profile campaign launched after Barclays emerged as the named owner of $2.9 million worth of shares in Elbit. More than […]