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Cancel the Arms Deal with the Israeli Defense Corporation Elbit Systems

Akbayan (Ctitizens' Action Party) today protests an arms deal between the Philippine government Israeli military company Elbit Systems. In particular, on June 22, 2014, the government signed a US$20M deal with the Israeli military company Elbit Systems for 28 Israeli upgraded armored personnel carriers (APCs) that will be delivered in 2015. While this deal enables […]

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New massive land grab in Bethlehem

The Israeli Civil Administration announced on  Sunday, August 31th  the planning takeover of almost 4000 dunums  (approx. 1000 acres) in the area near to Betlehem. This is the biggest land confiscation in one announcement in the last 30 years.   This massive appropriation affects five Palestinian villages called Jaba, Surif, Wadi Fukin, Husan and Nahalin. […]

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BDS-Movement succeeds in local boycott in West Bank

The latest aggressive military attack on Gaza since 7th July 2014, increased a boycott of Israeli produce in the West Bank. The BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions) movement was founded in 2005, when more than 170 Palestinians civil society organizations called on people across the globe to hold Israel accountable and isolate it until it […]

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Ongoing Resistance in the West Bank

Since the beginning of the massacre in Gaza on July 7th 2014, all eyes of the international media are focused on this Israeli military aggression. But also in the West Bank resistance and repression has increased: the clashes between Palestinian activists and the Israeli military on the checkpoints have escalated during this time. Palestinians in […]

Posted inFrom Palestine

1053+ killed and more than 6000 injuries in the ongoing occupation attack on Gaza

1053 were killed on the ongoing Israeli occupation attack on Gaza, and more than 6000 injuries at day 21, according to ministry of health, 42% of them are childrens.  151 body were extracted from under the rubble, at alshuja'ia neighborhood.    ( alshuja'ia neighborhood before bombardment)    Alshuja'ia neighborhood after bombardment   photo credit (APA)   […]

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586 Martyrs, including 157 children during the attack on Gaza

22 7 2014 Israeli occupation government commits daily massacres against Palestinian civilians in Gaza, killing entire families including children and women. Anyone who sees these hideous crimes against civilians in Gaza, realizes that Israel is nothing but a criminal entity that commits daily crimes against humanity and under cover of the entire world.  Occupation's last […]