At 1.30am this morning ten armoured jeeps of the Israeli occupation forces and intelligence surrounded and raided the offices of Stop the Wall in Ramallah. Israeli military stole 2 laptops, 3 hard drives and 10 memory cards containing files and photos as well as archive material relating to the work that the organisation does in […]
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Palestinian youth lead united solidarity with hunger strikers
On the 17th of April, Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, 1500 prisoners held in Israeli jails began a open ended hunger strike protesting the use of administrative detention, strip searches, the denial of access to education, the prevention visits, and demanding an end to solitary confinement and other human rights abuses practiced in the Israeli jails. The […]
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Popular resistance supports Palestinian prisoners
This Friday the demonstrations against the Wall and the settlements across the West Bank were dedicated to the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian prisoners. The protests have supported the brave hunger strike of the prisoners and called for international solidarity. Al Ma’sara: occupation forces prevented citizens and peace activists from reaching the territory captured […]
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Arrestos, Desde Palestina, Tortura y malos tratos
Campaña Palestina popular contra el Muro del Apartheid Lunes 30 de Abril del 2012 5 de Mayo: Movilización en apoyo a los prisioneros políticos Palestinos! Los prisioneros políticos palestinos se han convertido en un símbolo de constancia e inquebrantable determinación al alzarse por la libertad y la justicia. Contando solo con sus […]
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Kufur Qaddoum: More homes to be demolished in the West Bank
The Israeli occupation forces have recently handed notices to citizens in Kufur Qaddoum village in Qalqilia district, stating its intention to demolish houses in the village and ordering the cessation of the construction of other houses that are currently being built. The village lies in Area B* of the West Bank, in the south west. […]
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Herak Shababi Mustakil statement for 1st of May
Herak Shababi Mustakil (Indpendent Youth Movement) calls on our people and Arab nation and the free people of the world to be victorious for the dignity and freedom of our prisoners and demands that the palestinian, Arab and international trade unions to actively participate in the victory to the prisoners in the Zionist occupation prisons […]
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Jayyous village in support of Palestinian prisoners
On Saturday, April 28th, the grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall campaign organized mass march in Jayyous Village (Qalqilya district) in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners, some 2500 of whom are on hunger strike since April 17. The prisoners entered this mass hunger strike in order to fight the Israeli policy of administrative detention [detention without trial] […]
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May 5: Mobilize in support of Palestinian political prisoners!
The Palestinian political prisoners have become a symbol of steadfastness and unbreakable determination to stand up for freedom and justice. Counting on nothing more than their own imprisoned bodies and their free spirits, their hunger strikes have already been able to raise awareness and mobilize people across Palestine and the world. At the moment some […]
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Qusra looses more land to ever expanding settlements
Sunday, April 29, a group of settlers bulldozed agricultural lands belonging to the village of Qusra, in Nablus district. In the morning hours, the settlers went to the piece of land, which is even located far from the settlements surrounding the village but had been targeted before by the settlers. Many times, the area […]
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Wadi Qana: 1000 trees closer to the total destruction of an idyllic valley
On Thursday April 27, the occupation forces handed notices to some farmers in Wadi Qana [Valley of Qana] that informed them the military would cut more than 1000 trees. Wadi Qana is located close to Deir Istiya in Salfit district and one of the spots of the West Bank that is first ethnically cleansed from […]