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Al-Masara Villagers: “We Will Continue Popular Resistance Until Freedom for Palestine is Achieved”

Al-Masara villagers and international activists participated in the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall holding Palestinian flags and chanting "Free Palestine." Their message also included the freedom of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails. Occupation forces didn’t close the enterance of the village as usual but hid behind trees and surprised protesters upon arrival at […]

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Trees, Land, People Destroyed in Increased Violence by Occupation Forces and Settlers

Occupation forces accompanied with bulldozers attacked Beit Ulla village in the Hebron district and cut more than 300 olive and almond trees, destroyed the land, and confiscated it, one member of Stop the Wall campaign member said. This attack came under the series of vicious attacks by the occupation forces and settlers, now occurring daily […]

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Injuries and Threats to Close Access to Nabi Saleh Weekly Protest

Occupation forces suppressed the weekly protest in Nabi Saleh village, which came under the title of “Loyalty for Our Prisoners” in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners strike currently being held in occupation prisons. Many of these prisoners were incarcerated arbitrarily for their political actions against the occupation. Protesters were shot by metal bullets covered with […]

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Palestinian civil society welcomes Agrexco liquidation, Celebrates BDS victory

For Immediate Release – September 12, 2011 Supporters of Palestinian rights claim victory as target Agrexco ordered into liquidation Court papers warn that company is Israeli symbol whose downfall will have "wider implications" Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions National Committee (BNC) calls on the movement internationally to celebrate this victory and to intensify BDS campaigns Campaigners […]

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Letter to International Participants of the “Welcome to Palestine” Campaign

The “Welcome to Palestine” initiative took place July 8-16, 2011. In response to an invitation put forth by Stop the Wall along with 40 other Palestinian civil society organizations, popular resistance committees, and political factions, hundreds of international visitors reserved flights to Israel's Ben Gurion airport for July 8th, 2011. Hundreds of men, women, and […]

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Egyptian Demand Cutting Ties, Expelling Israeli Ambassador

Thousands of Egyptians gathered Friday night in front of the Israeli embassy, continuing a sit-in that has was sparked when Occupation forces killed five Egyptian soldiers near the border last week. Waving Egyptian and Palestinian flags, chanting revolutionary slogans, and launching fireworks at the top stories of the building that houses the Israeli embassy, protesters […]

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Nine-year-old Wounded in al-Ma’asara Village Weekly Protest

On Friday, a young man and a child were injured during the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall in al-Ma'asara village in Bethlehem after the occupation forces attacked the participants. According to the spokesman of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, Mohammed Brijeyeh, the occupation soldiers suppressed the march through abuse involving severe […]

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French giant Veolia cut down to size for abusing Palestinian rights

Originally Published by Maren Mantovani and Michael Deas at The Electronic Intifada. The French corporation Veolia once appeared unassailable; today it is ailing. It is faced not only with the global economic crisis but also the growing impact of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against its involvement with Israeli apartheid infrastructure and transport […]