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10 dunums of olive trees in Awarta burned by settlers

***image2***Today, two settlers of Itimar settlement burned, approximately 10 dunums of an olive grove. The fires were North East of Awarta village, in the South Nablus district, and owned by Mr. No’man Awwad from the village. Witnesses from the village said the settlers arrived at the fields around mid-day in a green four-wheel drive car […]

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Once again: anti-Wall activist injured by live ammunition

During this week’s anti-Wall protest in Bil’in, 30 year-old Ashraf Al-Khatib, was shot in the leg by a 0.22’’ calibre bullet, a lethal weapon prohibited for ‘riot control’. Another human rights defender and two journalists were also injured. This escalation of violence against the popular struggle in Palestine comes only days after a settler in […]

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Once again: anti-Wall activist injured by live ammunition

During this week’s anti-Wall protest in Bil’in, 30 year-old Ashraf Al-Khatib, was shot in the leg by a 0.22’’ calibre bullet, a lethal weapon prohibited for ‘riot control’. Another human rights defender and two journalists were also injured. This escalation of violence against the popular struggle in Palestine comes only days after a settler in […]

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Al-Ma’sara calls for boycott of Israeli products

Today the IOF repressed the weekly protest in al-Ma’sara village shooting tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstrators causing dozens to suffer from teargas inhalation. Protesters set fire to a number of Israeli products next to the Apartheid Wall, to demonstrate the boycott and their rejection of the occupation, which penetrates all aspects […]

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Al-Ma’sara calls for boycott of Israeli products

Today the IOF repressed the weekly protest in al-Ma’sara village shooting tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the demonstrators causing dozens to suffer from teargas inhalation. Protesters set fire to a number of Israeli products next to the Apartheid Wall, to demonstrate the boycott and their rejection of the occupation, which penetrates all aspects […]

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3 protestors wounded in Bil’in protest in solidarity with the prisoners of the Popular Resistance

Today three demonstrators were wounded while dozens suffered from teargas inhalation during a confrontation with Israeli Occupation Forces in Bil’in. The protest was held by the Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements in Bil’in with the participation of the young people from the al-Omaari Youth Center, the residents of Bi’lin and dozens of […]

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3 protestors wounded in Bil’in protest in solidarity with the prisoners of the Popular Resistance

Today three demonstrators were wounded while dozens suffered from teargas inhalation during a confrontation with Israeli Occupation Forces in Bil’in. The protest was held by the Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements in Bil’in with the participation of the young people from the al-Omaari Youth Center, the residents of Bi’lin and dozens of […]