BDS Newsletter #03 – May 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 03 – May, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Feature: Jayyous students call for boycott of Leviev Students from Jayyous have written an open letter to the people of Dubai, calling for a boycott of Leviev’s diamonds. Leviev has been the target of a number of attacks for his dealings in Angola, business practices in […]

The ongoing struggle in Ni’lin

In the past weeks, the village of Ni’lin has been a site of active struggle against the latest Occupation land grab. Frequent protests and confrontations between villagers and Occupation soldiers have occurred on the site where bulldozers are razing land to build the latest segment of the Wall. This new section will isolate 2,500 dunums […]

60 years of Al Nakba: Remembrance week in Venezuela

Across Venezuela, numerous activities in Caracas, Valencia, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Felipe de Yaracuy and other Venezuelan cities and towns marked the 60th anniversary of the Nakba. Events included photo exhibitions, public speeches, film screenings, poetry, street theater and a public Arab food fair. On May 14, at the National Assembly, there was a speech of […]

New report: Development or Normalisation? A critique of West Bank development approaches and projects

With the Palestine Investment Conference (PIC) beginning tomorrow in Bethlehem and the celebrated reforms and development projects proposed last year by the Fayyad government, understanding development in Palestine is more important than ever. Both the PIC and the Fayyad development programs have already elicited severe criticism from Palestinian civil society, political opposition and local communities. […]