Continuous protests unite Palestinians against the Zionist crimes in Palestine and Lebanon

***image2***All over Palestine, protests have filled the streets in an upsurge of determination to continue the resistance. Tens of thousands have voiced their outrage at the Zionist crimes in Gaza and Lebanon while denouncing Arab and international complicity. More than ever, it is evident that the Zionist project – while denying Palestinian existence – threatens […]

Venezuela recalls its ambassador in Tel Aviv!

Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, came out in a public speech to announce his decision to recall the country’s ambassador to Apartheid Israel. the move comes as an expression of the Venezuelan “indignation” over the military offensive in Lebanon. In a televised speech on Thursday, he stated: “It really causes indignation to see how the […]

Sacked Liverpool Dockworkers rally support for boycott of Apartheid Israel!

The Sacked Liverpool dockworkers have taken the initiative to actively promote the isolation of Apartheid Israel among UK and international trade unions. Called upon by trade unionists and workers, the former dockworkers have taken initiative. The dockworkers movement has a long history of active support to anti-colonial, anti-fascist and anti-racist struggles all over the world. […]

Edinburgh International Film Festival Returns Apartheid Money in response to Public Outcry

The organisers of the Edinburgh International Film Festival have cancelled an official Israeli Embassy sponsorship of their programme and returned the Israeli cheque following a huge public outcry over the involvement of the Israeli Embassy. Writers, actors and members of the public inundated the organisers with mail and phone calls demanding the financial support from […]

No Greek movies at the Haifa Film Festival!

On August 1st, the administrative council of the Greek Cinematography Center (GCC) decided to withdraw all the Greek movies they planned to participate in Haifa’s Cinema Festival this October, with the notion that “under the current circumstances the specific cultural event has lost its meaning”. The GCC has further expressed its belief that “people of […]