Popular committees continue to resist Occupation aggression with protests across West Bank

***image2***From the south to the north of the West Bank, popular committees against the Apartheid Wall staged demonstrations against their ghettoization and the latest Occupation attacks on Gaza. On Friday 31 June, demonstrations were joined by marches organized by the National and Islamic Forces. They united to condemn the Occupation policies and arrests of important […]

Against all Zionist propaganda – Presbyterians move forward towards divestment

Despite strong pressure from powerful Jewish lobbyists, the Presbyterian Church’s (USA) 217 General Assembly has maintained its determination to use divestment to pressure international corporations that support the Occupation – where the “customary corporate engagement process” fails. Two years ago the church made headway by adopting a resolution calling for “phased, selective divestment from corporations […]

Isolate Israel – Campaign for justice!

Early May 2005 Stop the Wall Campaign published an article on its website entitled ‘Challenging Tramways of Apartheid – Swiss activists block Connex shuttle run’. The article evoked the memories of campaigns to isolate apartheid South Africa. Research Connex is owned by the French company Veolia . A Dutch bank rooted in ethical principales, that […]