London University Conference Stresses Call for Boycott to Fight Israeli Apartheid

On Sunday, December 5, 2004, a large audience packed the lecture theatre of the Brunei Gallery at the School of Oriental and African Studies for “Resisting Israeli Apartheid: Strategies and Principles.” The all-day conference offered strategies for countering the Israeli occupation and Israeli Apartheid policies. The speakers were largely academics from the U.K., the U.S., […]

London University Conference Stresses Call for Boycott to Fight Israeli Apartheid

On Sunday, December 5, 2004, a large audience packed the lecture theatre of the Brunei Gallery at the School of Oriental and African Studies for “Resisting Israeli Apartheid: Strategies and Principles.” The all-day conference offered strategies for countering the Israeli occupation and Israeli Apartheid policies. The speakers were largely academics from the U.K., the U.S., […]

Occupation Continues Targeting Jerusalem: In Anata, Occupation Forces Demolish 3 Houses, 25 Bedouin Homes and Countless Animal Shelters

***image2***On Monday, November 29, 2004, at 2:30 pm, Occupation Forces’ military vehicles and bulldozers demolished three homes in the southwest section of the village of Anata, located northeast of Jerusalem. The house demolitions made 25 people homeless. At the same time, the Occupation Forces destroyed 25 Bedouin homes, together with their livestock shelters, in the […]

In Irtah and Far’un: Demolitions, Ghettoization, Settlement Industrial Zones and Environmental Devastation

In the two villages of Irtah and Far’un, south of the city of Tulkarem, the Occupation Forces have continued their ongoing confiscation and demolition policies. In these villages, the most recent implementation of these policies show the Occupation plans for the total ghettoization of communities isolated by the Wall. They also reveal the intended fate […]

What Will Come Next After the Apartheid Wall Is Completed?In Tulkarem: A Buffer Zone for the Wall on the Eastern Side 300 Meters Wide, New Confiscations, and New Demolitions

***image2***During November 2004, four new military orders were issued to the people living in the villages south of Tulkarem. These military orders emphasize the step-by-step policy pursued by the Occupation in order to impose a new reality on the ground. The completion of the Apartheid Wall in the northern part of the West Bank did […]

“Labor for Palestine”: A New Campaign Announced by Al-Awda New York and New York City Labor against the War

***image1***Al-Awda New York (the Palestine Right to Return Coalition) and New York City Labor against the War have announced a joint campaign to introduce “Labor for Palestine,” described as “a new, labor-driven campaign for justice in the Middle East.” In two simultaneous events on Saturday, November 20, 2004, the Labor for Palestine campaign began to […]