48 Hour Fast For Palestinian Liberation

Santa Monica, CA, July 25, 2004 – A 48 hour solidarity fast for Palestinian liberation held near the mouth of the Santa Monica Pier ended today at 5 PM with fasters and their supporters tired and pleased with their outreach and education efforts. ***image2***The fast dramatized the Israeli government’s ongoing refusal to heed a July […]

Occupation Forces Prevent the People of Tulkarem from Participating in Ar Ram Protest Against the Apartheid Wall

***image1***The Occupation Forces prevented 21 buses carrying Palestinian demonstrators from the North from entering Ar-Ram, in Northern Jerusalem. The buses were bringing women, men and children from the Tulkarem Governorate to protest the Apartheid Wall in a march from the Center of Ar-Aram to the Qalandiya checkpoint, which isolates Jerusalem from the rest of the […]

Occupation Forces Prevent the People of Tulkarem from Participating in Ar Ram Protest Against the Apartheid Wall

***image1***The Occupation Forces prevented 21 buses carrying Palestinian demonstrators from the North from entering Ar-Ram, in Northern Jerusalem. The buses were bringing women, men and children from the Tulkarem Governorate to protest the Apartheid Wall in a march from the Center of Ar-Aram to the Qalandiya checkpoint, which isolates Jerusalem from the rest of the […]