Anti-Apartheid Wall Petitions Signed by 15,000 in Ireland, Italians to Deman an End to EU/Israel Trade Agreements

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign has recently launched a petition for presentation to the Irish Government, which currently holds the presidency of the European Union. The IPSC intends to pressure the Irish Government to “get off the fence” and mobilise opposition in Europe to the Apartheid Wall which Israel is constructing through the West Bank. […]

Anti-Apartheid Wall Petitions Signed by 15,000 in Ireland, Italians to Deman an End to EU/Israel Trade Agreements

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign has recently launched a petition for presentation to the Irish Government, which currently holds the presidency of the European Union. The IPSC intends to pressure the Irish Government to “get off the fence” and mobilise opposition in Europe to the Apartheid Wall which Israel is constructing through the West Bank. […]