The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Prepares for World Social Forum

Palestinian non-governmental organizations, networks and grassroots organizations and movements are preparing for one of the largest anti-globalization, anti-imperialism gatherings expected in the coming year, the World Social Forum (WSF). Only three weeks away, the World Social Forum in Mumbai India, to be held from the 16-21 of January, is expecting in attendance some 75,000 activists […]

The Death of Newborn Twins from Deir Ballut

Yesterday, Lamis Tayser Ibrahim, a resident from Deir Ballut village in Salfit district, was prevented from reaching the hospital in Nablus when experiencing premature labor; she is twenty years old with a one year old daughter and was in her seventh month of pregnancy with twins. However, the Occupation military closed off the entire village […]