Report: Israeli Repression and Apartheid – April 2015

During the month of April, the Israeli Occupation continued to accelerate the construction of its illegal settlements and increased repression of the people resisting the colonization. The implementation of the settlement project, and the destruction of Palestinian farms and properties that comes with it, is part of the systematic policy of ethnic cleansing and population […]

Nakba protests face massive repression

At least 22 people have been seriously injured during the Nakba protests that have been organized all over the West Bank by the Higher Committee to Commemorate the Nakba, which includes various political forces and grassroots forces, including Stop the Wall. 67 years after the start of the Nakba when 700 thousand Palestinians where ethnically […]

Palestine to EU: Stop funding Elbit Systems

Palestinian civil society organizations have written an open letter to the EU asking for an end to EU funding to Elbit Systems and other Israeli military and security companies. They argue that: Considering the repeated and systematic acts of aggression, war crimes and violations of international law committed by Israel, the exclusion of Elbit Systems […]

Barclays bank is out of Elbit’s shareholder list

UK high street bank Barclays is no longer listed as a shareholder in Elbit Systems, the major Israeli military company that manufactures drones used in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians and helps Israel build its illegal Apartheid wall. The news follows a high profile campaign launched after Barclays emerged as the named owner of $2.9 million worth of shares in Elbit. More than […]

Oslo – Bloody Oslo

Oslo – Bloody Oslo – is like swearing in Palestine. Palestinians associate Oslo with the agreement, that was negotiated in 1993 and the concretization of it in the Interim agreement – Oslo II – in September 1995.   Divided the West Bank and Gaza These agreements divided the occupied West Bank and Gaza in three […]

Isolating the Palestinian people

  The protest camp has been constructed and destroyed 11 times. 15 people have been arrested, and 36 have been injured. Local residents and activists from across the West Bank are attempting to prevent Israel from forcibly relocating Bedouin from their current homes.   Watch the video       Forcibly relocated Since the beginning […]