WSF Free Palestine Website Launch

Launch of World Social Forum-Free Palestine website: We are excited to announce the launch of the official, multilingual website for the World Social Forum-Free Palestine which will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, between the 28th November and 1st December 2012. The website has a wide variety of practical information about the World Social Forum- […]

Solidarity events for Palestinian political prisoners and the ongoing hunger strike of Mahmoud Sarsak – Sunday 8th June – Sunday 15th June

While solidarity actions with the Palestinian political prisoners are continuing, the last week has seen ever increasing activity around the unprecedented hunger strike of 25 year old Palestinian professional footballer Mahmoud Sarsak, imprisoned without charge or trial by the Israeli occupation forces for the last three years. As international outrage over his illegal detention by […]

Weekly Report 15.6.12

Bil’in: A Palestinian citizen was injured and dozens of other citizens and activists suffered from temporary suffocation as the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) suppressed the weekly demonstration against the Wall and Settlements. The protestors marched under the slogan “We are all Mahmoud Sarsak and Akram Alrichawi” who are on hunger strike for the 92nd and […]

Weekly Report 9.6.12

Ni’lin: During the weekly march against the Wall and Settlements after Friday Prayers at the village of Ni’lin soldiers of the occupation fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Dozens suffered from temporary suffocation. The demonstrators chanted slogans in support of the prisoners and condemning the policies of the occupation against the […]

Protests Mark the 45th Anniversary of the Naksa

Tuesday 5th of June 2012 marked the 45th anniversary of the Naksa, the day that Israel occupied the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights. To mark this anniversary marches were arranged in various locations across the still occupied Palestinian Territories.   Hebron: A demonstration in Hebron, […]

Weekly Report 25.5.12

Nabi Saleh: The information office of the popular committee in Nabi Saleh reported that 3 children, Mahmoud Shaker al-Tamimi (14 years), and Islam al-Tamimi (16 years), and Muhammad Bilal al-Tamimi (11 years), were wounded by rubber coated bullets during the weekly demonstration against land theft. Dozens of other Palestinian and international activists suffered from tear […]