3 protestors wounded in Bil’in protest in solidarity with the prisoners of the Popular Resistance

Today three demonstrators were wounded while dozens suffered from teargas inhalation during a confrontation with Israeli Occupation Forces in Bil’in. The protest was held by the Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements in Bil’in with the participation of the young people from the al-Omaari Youth Center, the residents of Bi’lin and dozens of […]

3 protestors wounded in Bil’in protest in solidarity with the prisoners of the Popular Resistance

Today three demonstrators were wounded while dozens suffered from teargas inhalation during a confrontation with Israeli Occupation Forces in Bil’in. The protest was held by the Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlements in Bil’in with the participation of the young people from the al-Omaari Youth Center, the residents of Bi’lin and dozens of […]

Nil’in places Palestine flag on Wall: Oppression won’t stop our struggle

On Friday, September 17 2010, two demonstrators were wounded and dozens suffered teargas inhalation during the weekly protest in Ni’lin village, where a hundred of demonstrators gathered for the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and the settlements. ***image3***The demonstrators prayed on the land of the village that has been confiscated to construct the Wall. […]

Nil’in places Palestine flag on Wall: Oppression won’t stop our struggle

On Friday, September 17 2010, two demonstrators were wounded and dozens suffered teargas inhalation during the weekly protest in Ni’lin village, where a hundred of demonstrators gathered for the weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and the settlements. ***image3***The demonstrators prayed on the land of the village that has been confiscated to construct the Wall. […]