This briefing was created for the Norwegian Pension Fund to demand divestment from Elbit Systems. Elbit Systems is one of the largest Israel “security” and “defence” companies. It is key in manufacturing a variety of weapons used against both the Palestinian and Lebanese people as well as providing technology used to secure the Wall and settlements.
UAVs and other weapons
Elbit Systems provides the Occupation forces with UAVs, electro optics systems and other military systems, with the full knowledge it is used to commit massacres against the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Elbit technology is regularly and ‘normally’ used in war crimes, such as targeted killings and the firing of ammunition (here, missiles whose blast is intended to cause excessive shrapnel) designed to inflict widespread injury by drones.
Surveillance and other systems for the Wall and settlements
Despite the ICJ ruling in 2004, construction on the Wall continues. Segments of the Wall are equipped and maintained with Elbit technology. Similar technology is also used in settlements, particularly those ringing Jerusalem.
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