The dangers of decontextualising East Jerusalem

The dangers of decontextualising East Jerusalem

The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (CCPRJ) and the Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) have released a new policy paper on the  dangers of decontextualising East Jerusalem and urge the international community to address Israel's responsibility as an Occupying Power. This paper will illustrate that the driving force of this escalation is Israel’s belligerent occupation and continued violations of international law, which have undermined fundamental human rights of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and elsewhere in the OPT for the past 47 years.

CCPRJ and PHROC call upon the international community to abandon its biased positions that have contributed to the deterioration of the situation in occupied East Jerusalem. Statements without action can no longer suffice. They remind the international community of its duty to take immediate steps to oblige Israel to cease these violations as recommended by the ICJ advisory opinion 10 years ago.


Download the policy paper below.