Destruction for the Apartheid Wall in Shayah, East Jerusalem

Destruction for the Apartheid Wall in Shayah, East Jerusalem

The Apartheid Wall is rapidly being built in neighborhoods throughout East Jerusalem including Abu Dis, Eizarya, Sheikh Sa’ad, Sawahre and Jabel Mukaber. The following photos are from the area Shayah, which includes areas between Tour and Eizarya, where the Wall is tearing through the middle of the community and separating some 100 homes to the west of the Wall, into Jerusalem, though Eizarya residents are, under the racist Israeli system, “West Bank ID holders”*. The Wall around Jerusalem is finalizing the Israeli/Zionist project of “Greater Jerusalem” whereby Israel has been accelerating its measures of expelling Palestinians from Jerusalem, one of the pretexts being that people do not have the “proper identification”.






* While Jerusalem is the West Bank, Israeli measures to completely annex the city and expel a majority of the Palestinian population have been taken in Israel’s so-called “permit system”, established after the Oslo “Peace Process”, whereby Israel determines who is a resident of Jerusalem or the West Bank.