Support our Struggle!
Your support is crucial for our struggle and steadfastness. Your voice and action helps us to amplify our efforts to defend our right to land, water, homes and education. You can bring our message to world so we can hold Israel accountable and live in freedom, justice and equality.

Please sign the petition to #SaveHumsa, a Bedouin Palestinian community in the Jordan Valley Israel is intent to destroy. Humsa has resisted five demolitions in February only .We need you to help us stop this.
When communities or homes are being threatened with demolition and eviction, water supplies are cut off, lands are being confiscated, schools raided, Stop the Wall calls for international support.
In these times, we need the help of supporters across the globe to raise awareness about the attacks on Palestinians families and communities and their struggle and to pressure governments to take action to stop Israel’s onslaught on the communities.
Get these action alerts by signing up to our newsletter.
Join campaigns to hold the corporations profiting from the dispossession accountable
Israel couldn’t implement its demolitions without the equipment sold to the Israeli military by international corporations. Companies such as UK based heavy machinery manufacturer JCB, US based Caterpillar, Swedish Volvo and South Korean Hyundai know very well that their bulldozers are being used to implement Israeli violation of human rights and international crimes. Join or build a campaign to hold these companies accountable.
Read the call for action by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC).
Join the call for action against JCB by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK.
AFSC’s Investigate tells more about Caterpillar’s involvement in home demolitions in Palestine and the economic activism to hold them accountable.
Join and build campaigns to hold Israel’s water corporations such as Mekorot and Netafim accountable.

Join the campaign to pressure Basque corporation CAF to pull out of the Jerusalem Lighht Rail. This infrstructure project is partially built on Palestinian stolen land, serves the expulsion of Palestinian from Jerusalem and the colonization of East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank by illegal settlers.