Nineteen wounded as Occupation unleashes brutal wave of attacks as Bil’in villagers continue resistance

***image2***Twelve Palestinians were wounded as Occupation Forces unleashed a torrent of bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs in the village of Bil’in on Thursday 28th of April. Over 600 protestors gathered by the village mosque and marched to the west of Bil’in where land is being razed for the construction of the Apartheid Wall, […]

Occupation Forces and Resistance Clash in Bil’in as Apartheid Wall Continues Its Path of Destruction

***image2***A demonstration against the devastation caused by the Apartheid Wall was once again met by violence as Occupation forces unleashed tear gas and a flurry of brutality against the villagers of Bil’in, in the west of Ramallah district. Bil’in, and the neighboring village of Saffa, will soon be surrounded by the Apartheid Wall, with up […]

Simultaneous Protests Mark Land Week and Continuing Resistance to the Apartheid Wall

***image2***Activities organized by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, and the National Committee to Resist the Apartheid Wall, to mark the commemoration of Land Day kicked off on Wednesday the 30th of March. Popular mobilization ensured demonstrations took place in Hebron/Surif, Bil’in/Saffa and Bethlehem. Surif, Hebron City In the northwest of Hebron City (Surif), over 1000 people […]