The Occupation force suppresses weekly marches in the West Bank. Several demonstrators injured.
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The Occupation force suppresses weekly marches in the West Bank. Several demonstrators injured.

The legitimate and rightful weekly demonstration of the Palestinian continued this Friday against the occupation, the apartheid wall, & the settlements.

Youth and foreign solidarity activists in Nabi Saleh was wounded by rubber bullets, after Israeli occupation forces suppressed the protest march of the village, north-west of Ramallah, against the settlement and confiscation of Palestinian land.

The occupation forces did also arrest several protesters, in addition to injuring a dozen as a result of suffocation, during the suppression of the march titled “on the trail of the martyrs’, in support of the martyr Rushdie Tamimi who was killed on the village’s land a couple of days ago, and those fallen because of the latest aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The local grassroots committee of the village stressed the necessity of walking on the path of those martyred in Gaza and the martyr Rusdhie Tamimi, who was killed on the village’s area. It was done to reaffirm the right of the grassroots resistance to fight until the state of Palestinian would be established with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The occupation forces did also suppress the weekly march of the Palestinian village al-Ma’asara against the settlements and the apartheid wall.

According to the coordinator of the local grassroots committee against the wall and settlements in the area of Bethlehem, occupation forces attacked the participants with batons and rifle butts, and prevented them of getting to the apartheid wall.

The protesters in the march condemned the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, emphasized its solidarity with the people there and its stand with president Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership decision to go to the UN the 29th of November.

They also emphasized the importance of speeding up the reunification of the Palestinian people and standing behind the Palestinian leadership when they went to the UN.

Once again, dozens of citizens were injured by suffocation as the occupation forces suppressed the weekly protest march of Bi’lin against the settlements and the apartheid wall.

And the Israeli occupation soldiers shot rubber bullets, tear gas grenades and sound grenades against the participants in the march on the freed land of the village known as “Abu Leimon Reservation”. Additionally, two youths were injured: Amjad Aid Abu Rahma – by a rubber bullet in the leg – and Muhammad Ahmad Hamad.

Also, the Israeli occupation soldiers attacked a Palestinian TV cameraman, taking him into custody and confiscating his tapes of the march.

The march was organized by the title of ‘Collective unity and victory, and in support of the president Mahmoud Abbas’, where the grassroots committee against the wall and settlements declared its support for Gaza, and to stop the political split for national unity. The march also supported president Mahmoud Abbas decision of going to the UN the 29th of November.

Approximately a dozen participants in the weekly protest march of Kafr Qadum was injured and wounded by suffocation – among them children and women – as the occupation forces suppressed the demonstration. In this context the Israeli army raided the village with a dozen soldiers who used tear gas grenades, sound grenades and injuring a dozen by suffocation. In addition, the car of resident Walid Kamil was damaged after a sound grenade exploded at the rear window.

The media coordinator of the march in Kafr Quddam, Murad Shteiwi, told that the activity was organized to express the right of the Palestinian people of having freedom like the rest of the people in the world, and pointed at the brutal suppression by the occupation army that terrified the women and children in the safe houses.