Thousands Demonstrate in London for a Free Palestine and boycott of Apartheid Israel!

***image2***On Saturday 21st of May, the annual Nakba Day rally of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign once again drew thousands of supporters into the streets. In pouring rain, protestors marched to Trafalgar Square and denounced Apartheid Israel and its Occupation of Palestine. They demanded an end to international complicity in the Occupation’s crimes and called for […]

Thousands Demonstrate in London for a Free Palestine and boycott of Apartheid Israel!

***image2***On Saturday 21st of May, the annual Nakba Day rally of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign once again drew thousands of supporters into the streets. In pouring rain, protestors marched to Trafalgar Square and denounced Apartheid Israel and its Occupation of Palestine. They demanded an end to international complicity in the Occupation’s crimes and called for […]

Somerville Divestment Project Launches Grassroots Campaign to Divest from Apartheid Israel

The Somerville Divestment Project (SDP), an organization that focuses on grassroots organising in Somerville Massachusetts, is launching a campaign to divest Somerville Retirement Board Funds of over 1.4 million dollars from bonds and companies that supply arms and military equipment to Israel. The community signature drive calls for a nonbinding ballot on the question of […]

Somerville Divestment Project Launches Grassroots Campaign to Divest from Apartheid Israel

The Somerville Divestment Project (SDP), an organization that focuses on grassroots organising in Somerville Massachusetts, is launching a campaign to divest Somerville Retirement Board Funds of over 1.4 million dollars from bonds and companies that supply arms and military equipment to Israel. The community signature drive calls for a nonbinding ballot on the question of […]

Academic Union in Wisconsin Vote For Divestment

The Association of University of Wisconsin Professionals (TAUWP) has passed a resolution calling on the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents to divest from companies involved in supplying the Occupation Forces with the tools, resources and materials used in the colonization of the Palestinian people and the brutal occupation which they endure. TAUWP represents faculty […]

Academic Union in Wisconsin Vote For Divestment

The Association of University of Wisconsin Professionals (TAUWP) has passed a resolution calling on the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents to divest from companies involved in supplying the Occupation Forces with the tools, resources and materials used in the colonization of the Palestinian people and the brutal occupation which they endure. TAUWP represents faculty […]

WSF 2005 Call: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid!

***image2***Some 155,000 activists from around the world participated in the fifth annual World Social Forum, held in Porto Alegre, where Palestine had its role within the largest gathering thus far of the global social movements. An always crowded Palestine tent was a focal point at the Forum, while various information stands disseminated material to the […]

WSF 2005 Call: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid!

***image2***Some 155,000 activists from around the world participated in the fifth annual World Social Forum, held in Porto Alegre, where Palestine had its role within the largest gathering thus far of the global social movements. An always crowded Palestine tent was a focal point at the Forum, while various information stands disseminated material to the […]

Demonstration in Switzerland Against Caterpillar and it’s Role in Building the Apartheid Wall

***image1***On May 25, the group Collectif Urgence Palestine held a demonstration at a Caterpillar plant in Geneva to demand that Caterpillar stop supplying Israel with militarized bulldozers. The group also demanded an end to the collusion of the Swiss government with Israel, by stopping arms sales and suspending all economic ties with Israel. The statement […]

Demonstration in Switzerland Against Caterpillar and it’s Role in Building the Apartheid Wall

***image1***On May 25, the group Collectif Urgence Palestine held a demonstration at a Caterpillar plant in Geneva to demand that Caterpillar stop supplying Israel with militarized bulldozers. The group also demanded an end to the collusion of the Swiss government with Israel, by stopping arms sales and suspending all economic ties with Israel. The statement […]