July 9 – List of Global Activities!

The 9th of July – the one year anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling for the Apartheid Wall to be torn down – looks set to be a global day of action spanning the globe. From Cairo to Seoul, people across the world will show their solidarity with Palestinians struggling for liberation […]

July 9 – List of Global Activities!

The 9th of July – the one year anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling for the Apartheid Wall to be torn down – looks set to be a global day of action spanning the globe. From Cairo to Seoul, people across the world will show their solidarity with Palestinians struggling for liberation […]

3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]

3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]

In Egypt: Palestine Solidarity and Anti-Globalization Activists Stage a Solidarity March to Gaza and Protest against Normalization with the Occupation

***image2***Two separate sets of protests last week by Palestine solidarity activists showed the strength of the grassroots movement against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid in Egypt. On December 10, a solidarity march of 200 Egyptian and international activists set out from Cairo in five buses, intending to drive to the Gaza border to highlight the dramatic […]

In Egypt: Palestine Solidarity and Anti-Globalization Activists Stage a Solidarity March to Gaza and Protest against Normalization with the Occupation

***image2***Two separate sets of protests last week by Palestine solidarity activists showed the strength of the grassroots movement against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid in Egypt. On December 10, a solidarity march of 200 Egyptian and international activists set out from Cairo in five buses, intending to drive to the Gaza border to highlight the dramatic […]