Shufa Village Suffers Suffocating Closure

***image2***Shufa village is located to the east of Tulkarem; the 1500 residents of the village largely depend on agriculture and livestock for their living. Before the Aqsa intifada the Occupation forces, together with Israeli settlers confiscated large areas of the village’s lands from the west to build the settlement of Avne Hefetz, which was partially […]

New Demolition Orders for Tunnels in Habla Perpetuate Racist Expulsion

Last Thursday, December 11, the Occupation Administration gave the Municipality of Habla village, south of Qalqiliya, a new confiscation order with maps outlining the construction of tunnels between Habla and Qalqiliya City. ***image2***According to the maps, the tunnel will extend from the Wall’s southwestern gate of Habla and follow under the Israeli settler by-pass road […]

The Apartheid Wall furthers Israeli Colonization of Azzun Atma’s Land

Today secondary students in Azzun Atman were forced to remain inside their classrooms and banned from playing football outside by Israeli soldiers–who then tore down the school’s Palestinian flag. Adjacent to the village’s co-educational school in the south is an Israeli military checkpoint; just a few hundred meters thereafter lies the Israeli settlement Sha’are Tiqva. […]