National Meeting in the Philippines in Solidarity with the Palestinian Struggle against the Apartheid Wall

On November 13th, the Philippine Peace and Solidarity Council held, together with partner organizations and with the participation of leaders from various provinces of the Philippines, a National Meeting in solidarity with the 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall. The National Meeting put out a statement against this further Zionist crime, and in solidarity […]

National Meeting in the Philippines in Solidarity with the Palestinian Struggle against the Apartheid Wall

On November 13th, the Philippine Peace and Solidarity Council held, together with partner organizations and with the participation of leaders from various provinces of the Philippines, a National Meeting in solidarity with the 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall. The National Meeting put out a statement against this further Zionist crime, and in solidarity […]

Global Anti-War Strategy Meeting in Beirut

Where Next for the Peoples’ Movements… Against War and Imperialism? 17-19 September 2004 Beirut, Lebanon Following the fake June 30 “handover” of sovereignty, the United States’ military, economic and political occupation of Iraq continues and, along with it, the deliberate de- stabilization of the region. At the same time, the Bush administration has given the […]

Global Anti-War Strategy Meeting in Beirut

Where Next for the Peoples’ Movements… Against War and Imperialism? 17-19 September 2004 Beirut, Lebanon Following the fake June 30 “handover” of sovereignty, the United States’ military, economic and political occupation of Iraq continues and, along with it, the deliberate de- stabilization of the region. At the same time, the Bush administration has given the […]

48 Hour Fast For Palestinian Liberation

Santa Monica, CA, July 25, 2004 – A 48 hour solidarity fast for Palestinian liberation held near the mouth of the Santa Monica Pier ended today at 5 PM with fasters and their supporters tired and pleased with their outreach and education efforts. ***image2***The fast dramatized the Israeli government’s ongoing refusal to heed a July […]