BDS action on the rise in Australia
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BDS action on the rise in Australia

In keeping with the recent growth of BDS activity around the world, Australia has witnessed a number of boycott initiatives over the past several weeks. Throughout the country, direct actions have taken place, campus mobilizing has begun, and long-term campaigns have been launched.

Last week, from Monday to Friday, activists kicked off their anti-Max Brenner chocolates campaign by handing out flyers outside of a Max Brenner café, and erecting a large “Boycott Israel” sign. They also entered into the café several times and placed the flyer on people’s tables. The activists several positive responses, and many passers-by said that they would stop purchasing Max Brenner chocolates. Organizers plan to hold similar actions every Thursday night for the next few months.

On 24 February, a meeting was held with academics from every university in Sydney. Organizers gave a presentation on the victories that have been won so far by campus activists from around the world. The presentation also covered the academic restrictions on Palestinian students and professors, as well as the links between Israeli academia and the military. Similar meetings are scheduled for universities in Woolongong and Canberra.

BDS activists have also planned to meet with Australian trade unions, and they are attempting to organize a speaking tour by Palestinian trade unionists.

Finally, a public launch of BDS Sydney is in the works. The launch will be held at the Town Hall building of Sydney, which is sure to attract a significant amount of public and media attention.