Supporting Palestine in Nesodden
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Supporting Palestine in Nesodden

***image1***Outside a shopping centre in the community of Nesodden, a countryside peninsula near Oslo, a local group of activists gathered to gather funds for the Palestinian cause and to raise awareness about the Wall and prisoners. The group drew the attention of passers-by with boards with prints of the anti-apartheid Wall brochures, news articles, as well as some self-made materials.

The gathering was organized by the Palestine Committee of Norway is an independent organization taking side with the people of Palestine against occupation and repression, and are committed to raise the popular and political awareness of the Palestinian cause. During the attacks on Gaza in December and January, a powerful movement of protest, anger and solidarity built up throughout the country. As a consequence the organization also grew remarkably, and new local groups were established, as was the case with the one at Nesodden.

Support of the Palestinian struggle is strong and growing in Norway. Boycott actions and demonstrations are not uncommon; recently in Oslo Norwegian activists mobilized to protest the arrest of Mohammed and also played a leading role in the Elbit divestment victory.