Ni’lin: 62 years after the Nakba, popular resistance continues
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Ni’lin: 62 years after the Nakba, popular resistance continues

Once again the people from Ni’lin went out to protest against the Apartheid Wall marching towards their confiscated lands.

***image2***The Friday prayer, held outside on land close to the Wall, was attended by a number of leaders of the Palestinian Legislative Council, among them Abdel Aziz Dweik, speaker of the PLC and member of Hamas. Dweik addressed the congregation between the olive trees and stressed that nothing can severe the bonds of kinship between Palestinians, whether in the West Bank or Gaza or anywhere else in the world. He called on the people of Ni’lin and all over Palestine to remain steadfast in the face of occupation and the continuing Israeli policy to steal more land. Further, Dweik stressed the importance of upholding the national principles and the centrality of the issue of the Palestinian prisoners and refugees right to return.

The protesters then started marching carrying Palestinian flags and a large key to demonstrate the centrality of the right of return in the struggle of the people. The protesters chanted stressing the unity of the Palestinian people.

When they came close to the Apartheid Wall, a large contingent of the occupying forces was stationed there and immediately fired tear gas canisters at them. A number of protestors suffered from breathing problems while others responded to the attack by the military by throwing stones.