Wad Rahal: IOF suppressed protest dedicated to the commemoration of the Nakba
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Wad Rahal: IOF suppressed protest dedicated to the commemoration of the Nakba

The weekly march began in the village of Wadi Rahal, Bethlehem district, just after Friday prayers from the middle of the village. The demonstration passed the village school and the land threatened for confiscation due to the construction of the Apartheid Wall. Then the demonstrators, joined by international solidarity activists, managed to cross the barbed wire that blocks access to the villagers to the settler road behind the wall.

They then continued marching towards al Ma’sara, where they were planning to join the festival to commemorate the Nakba. However, the Israeli occupation forces blocked them and threatened them at gunpoint that they would shoot at them if they didn’t turn back.

The Stop the Wall coordinator in Wadi Rahal, Shadi Fawagreh gave a speech which praised the residents of Wadi Rahal for joining the weekly protests which have been taking place in many other locations. He confirmed the commitment of the people in Wadi Rahal to their land and the right of return.