Solidarity with the Mexican students and society
Posted inIn SolidarityNews

Solidarity with the Mexican students and society

November 2, 2011

To the Mexican students,

To the Mexican people,

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign “Stop the Wall” and the Independent Palestinian Youth Movement “Harak Shebabi” expresse its solidarity with the Mexican students for the killing of Carlos Sinhue Cuevas, Mexican student and activist.

Stop the Wall and Harak Shebabi also expresses its concern for the way in which Carlos was killed, despite Mexico is facing an increase in the violence due to the absurd war launched by the current Mexican government, we know the killing of Carlos is not an isolated case product of the “street” violence.

We know that Carlos was a committed activist with the social causes and that the day he was killed he was going to his home after attending a meeting to stop the militarization and violence in Mexico, so for us his killing is not a coincidence.

The dead of Carlos and of more than 50,000 Mexicans, including activists, journalists, women, children and people in general, in these 5 years should not remain impugn and must not be forgotten.

Today we want to tell you that your struggle for a world with truly peace and justice is also our struggle. The deaths from our Peoples demand justice.

Deaths that in our case have fallen in hands of the armed forces working for the Israeli occupation in our territory, and in your case many deaths who have been killed by those who deserted and are members of the Mexican armed forces getting elite train to kill in Israel.

From Occupied Palestine we send a fraternal and solidary greetings,

Stop the Wall

Harak Shebabi