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Day of resistance as West Bank Palestinians confront Occupation on the way to Friday prayers

***image3***Palestinians on Friday entered into a confrontation with Occupation forces who harassed them as they attempted to attend prayers at the Dome of the Rock. Hundreds of Palestinians from Hebron and Bethlehem attempting to enter Jerusalem for prayers were stopped at the checkpoint in north of the city and forced to wait for several hours […]

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Occupation rounds up men and boys of Budrus

***image2***Occupation forces attacked the West Bank village of Budrus last week, rounding up all males and taking their footprints in an attempt to clamp down on the village’s ongoing resistance to the wall. The village was attacked at 9.00 am by twelve military vehicles. Occupation forces conducted house-to-house searches and occupied the village school, rounding […]

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Israeli exhibit sparks angry protest at Venice Biennale

Activists from the Association Il Villaggio are to stage a sit-in demonstration at the Venice Biennale on 14th October, in protest at Apartheid Israel’s cynically entitled ‘Life Saver’ exhibit. (For the appeal of the Campaign click here.) The exhibit is designed to justify and legitimise Israeli crimes, and has been denounced by Palestinian groups and […]

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Jordan Valley Palestinians face racist travel ban

***image2***The occupation has announced a series of regulations in the Jordan valley banning Palestinians from sleeping outside their villages, forcing farmers to graze their animals no more than 100 meters from their homes, and forbidding travel during Jewish holidays. The regulations, which were announced last month, are intended to force Palestinians from their land and […]

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Forced to climb over the apartheid wall for open heart surgery

***image2***Abed El-Fatah, a refugee living Qalqilya city, was forced to climb over the apartheid wall around Jerusalem after Occupation forces refused to allow him to enter in order to receive critical surgery. Abed suffers from closed heart veins, and was referred from Qalqilya Hospital in the north West Bank to Al-Makassed Charity Hospital in Jerusalem […]