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Occupation bulldozers escalate destruction for Wall

Occupation bulldozers have intensified the destruction of agricultural land for the Wall in Walaja village, northwest of Bethlehem, between Halhoul and Beit Omar, and in Aboud northwest of Ramallah. The fresh wave of demolition work in these areas comes after popular resistance had earlier managed to halt work. In Walaja (population 3,000) Occupation bulldozers started […]

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Ken Loach backs boycott

Ken Loach, the acclaimed British director and winner of this year’s Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival has declared in a personal statement his support of ‘the call by Palestinian film-makers, artists and others to boycott state sponsored Israeli cultural institutions and urge[s] others to join their campaign’. He announced that he would not […]

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Anti-Apartheid Wall protesters beaten in Bil’in

***image2***At Friday’s weekly demo against the Apartheid Wall being built on Bil’in’s land Occupation forces violently attacked protesters and shot at them. The protesters carried Palestinian and Lebanese flags and posters of activists shot at previous demos as they marched towards the Wall. On the edge of the village soldiers stormed the demonstrators and lashed […]

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New fortified checkpoints isolate Jerusalem

Occupation forces have confiscated 9 dunums of land from Shufat north of Jerusalem to expand the military checkpoint located on the western entrance to Shufat refugee camp. This checkpoint links Shufat Refugee Camp and Anata town with Jerusalem. Locals confirmed that the Occupation wants to develop this checkpoint into a “border terminal”. Further land around […]

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More land theft from Azzun and Kfur Laqif

Occupation bulldozers last week began again uprooting olive trees in Kfur Laqif and Azzun villages east of Qalqiliya to prepare the footprint of a second part of the Ariel Settlement Block Apartheid Wall. The Wall is to be built to the southwest of Kfur Laqif and east of Azzun. This lies to the northeast of […]

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International delegation in Lebanon congratulates the victory of the Resistance

The International Civil Society and Parliamentary Peace Mission condemned the Zionist regime’s “collective punishment” of Lebanon which destroyed civilian infrastructure including residential complexes, entire villages in south Lebanon, bridges, roads, power stations, and petrol stations that will require billions of dollars to reconstruct. The mission welcomed the ceasefire and called for the immediate and unconditional […]

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Bil’in Demo turns blue

***image2***In their latest illegal attempt to stifle protest, Occupation forces used a water cannon spraying a blue liquid at the weekly protest against the Wall at Bil’in on Friday. The white tank started spraying protesters with jets of the blue liquid on the edge of the village despite an Occupation Supreme Court ruling that protests […]

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Costa Rica to move embassy out of Jerusalem

In a further blow to the Zionist regime Coast Rica’s new president has announced it is to move its embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. This move comes two weeks after Venezuela decided to recall its country’s ambassador from Apartheid Israel. Costa Rica’s decision will leave El Salvador as the only country in the world […]

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Connex Ireland forced to cancel contract with Occupation

In a significant victory in the international campaign against the Connex built illegal tramline in occupied Jerusalem, Connex has been forced to cancel plans to train Israeli engineers and drivers on Dublin’s Luas light railway. Connex, which operates under the name Veolia in Ireland, has been operating the Luas system since 2004, and it is […]