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India-Israeli arms deals grow despite condemnation of bombing

During the Zionist regime’s bombing of Lebanon the Indian parliament unanimously passed a resolution condemning “indiscriminate” bombing by Israel and also sought an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. The Lok Sabha “unequivocally condemns the large-scale and indiscriminate Israeli bombing of Lebanon that has been under way for many days which has resulted in the killing and […]

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Protesters in die-in at Dutch airport

On 16th August fifty protesters staged a “die-in” at Schiphol Plaza, the main entrance of Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, to demand an end to the transit of US arms through the Netherlands to the Occupation. The “die-in” symbolized the more than 1,000 casualties of the Israeli war on Lebanon and more than 150 casualties of […]

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Popular protests in Norway reassert call for Boycott!

A series of demonstrations in Norway have revealed massive support for Palestine solidarity work from communities across the country. The strong grassroots movement in support of the Palestinian struggle was further bolstered as more public figures came out in support of the Boycott against Apartheid Israel. ***image2***Protests began with a mass demonstration on Saturday 22nd […]

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The call for boycott and concrete actions against Apartheid Israel rises among Turkish activists

In the last week, a series of boycott and solidarity actions across the country have galvanized Turkish support for the Palestinian and Lebanese struggle against Zionist crimes and occupation. On August 10, the Platform for Solidarity for the Lebanese and Palestinian People staged an action to denounce the twinning between the Turkish city of Bursa […]

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Farmers, shepherds and shopkeepers face the destruction of their livelihoods

The Zionist project to force Palestinians to leave their cities, villages and homes in order to make space for further colonization of the West Bank is continuing unabated. Livelihoods of petty merchants, farmers and shepherds are systematically destroyed leaving hardly any chances for survival behind the ghetto walls. In the old city of Hebron, the […]

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Resistance in the face of brutal racism and colonialism

In many villages Palestinians have continued their popular activities against the Occupation’s war crimes and the Apartheid Wall and its racist expulsion policies. They are left with no other choice. The ghettos transforming Palestinian cities and villages into nightmarish open-air prisons are already taking shape on the ground. While the eyes of the world are […]

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Life in the ghettos: closed checkpoints, iron gates and surveillance cameras

The policies of the Occupation are showing ever clearer in the ghettos carved out by the Apartheid Wall; mechanisms of control are the future for these ghettos. An ever-increasing number of checkpoints, iron gates, watch towers and surveillance cameras will dictate every Palestinian move and activity. ***image2***Three weeks ago, the Occupation Forces put a closure […]

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NGOS protest the refusal of UN bodies to monitor Zionist crimes and racism

A coalition of NGOs denounces the UN monitoring body’s second postponement in its review of Israel’s compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). The hearing was originally planned for February 2006 and the postponed to August. Yet, Zionist pressure has urged – and obediently obtained – a […]

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People in 24 countries across the globe in continuous mass protest against Apartheid Israel

***image4***While international diplomacy remains silent, complicit and paralyzed in front of the US backed Zionist crimes in Lebanon and Palestine, the people all over the globe have transformed this August in a month of continuous mass action. In a powerful show of solidarity dozens of protests, sit-ins and demonstrations have filled the streets in over […]