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Challenging European complicity with the Apartheid Wall and Israeli Crimes:Court Cases for Palestine

The growing number of campaigns in the UK to bring charges of war crimes against Occupation forces military commanders have served to highlight not only the crimes of the Occupation, but also the complicity of European governments in sustaining these crimes and ensuring that perpetrators continue to evade justice. Despite such clear opportunities to bring […]

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Tura El-Garbeyah: New military camp on stolen Palestinian lands

***image2***With the global media frenzy for “disengagement” and the evacuation of a handful of settlements and military camps, the Occupation continues to uproot and confiscate Palestinian lands throughout the West Bank. Ignored by the international community and media alike, “disengagement” forms the cover for the latest stage of the perpetual Zionist colonization of Palestine. The […]

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Al Khader: Confiscations and Settlement Expansion

Land confiscation and Wall construction in Bethlehem district continues unabated. To the west of Bethlehem city, 21 dunums has been confiscated from the village of Al Khader. These lands are owned by 10 families from the village and planted with grapes, peaches, vegetables and wheat. The confiscation took place to enable the construction of the […]

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Mass Protests all over the West Bank in front of UN offices:Apartheid Israel builds ghettos not peace!

September 15th, 2005 Mass Protests all over the West Bank in front of UN offices: Apartheid Israel builds ghettos not peace! Ramallah – Protests in front of the UN offices – Protests in front of the UN offices mobilized the Palestinian people all over the West Bank. The main demonstration took place in Ramallah, where […]

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Call for Demonstrations & Sit-Ins in front of the UN offices in Jerusalem, West Bank & Gaza List of global activities

List of global activities: USA – in front of the UN headquarters: The al-Awda Coalition supported by a broad range of US groups and networks holds a mass protest in front of the UN headquarters in New York under the slogans: NEW YORK SAYS “NO” TO THE BUTCHER ARIEL SHARON!! SUPPORT THE RIGHT TO RETURN […]

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Swiss Soccer Stunt Stuns Apartheid Israel – “BOYCOTT APARTHEID” NOW!

Play during Apartheid Israel’s world cup qualifying match with Switzerland was disrupted for several minutes on Saturday the 3rd of September, as protestors ran onto the pitch calling for a boycott of the Zionist state. Large banners proclaiming “Free Palestine” and “Boycott Apartheid” were beamed across the world as the match between the teams was […]

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As Palestinians Remember the dead of Sabra & Shatila, The UN Rewards Israeli War Criminal Ariel Sharon!

As Palestinians Remember the dead of Sabra & Shatila, The UN Rewards Israeli WarCriminal Ariel Sharon! As Palestinians and the world remembers the 23rd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, committed on 17th-19th of September 1982, the 60th UN General Assembly will host Apartheid Israel’s Prime Minister and arch war criminal. Ariel Sharon is […]

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The flames of popular resistance in Eizarya against the Apartheid Wall

***image2***As part of continues popular resistance against the Zionist colonial project – currently reflected in the construction of the Apartheid Wall, the local committee of Eizarya started a series of activities with a mass demonstration. Hundreds from the village, joined by many Palestinian representatives of local organization and factions, together with NGOs marched to the […]