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Cairo Conference: The Struggle against Zionism and Imperialism Continues!

From March 24th to 27th 2005, the third Cairo Conference took place under the title: “With the resistance in Palestine and Iraq against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism”. The gathering this year was marked by the changing atmosphere in Egypt, in which President Mubarak is under attack from an increasingly popular opposition movement. Up to 1000 […]

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Violence of the Occupation Forces Fails to Deter Palestinian Resistance to the Apartheid Wall

Nazlat Issa/Baqa ***image2***Simultaneous demonstrations on both sides of the Apartheid Wall which cuts through the area of Baqa ended in clashes with Occupation Forces, and defiant calls from the villagers that they will never accept the ghettoization of their lands. Calls by the National Committee To Resist The Apartheid Wall and The Committee For Monitoring […]

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Popular Movement Descend on Confiscated Lands Forcing Occupation Forces to Flee from Confrontation: Villagers vow to continue resistance against the Apartheid Wall

Azzun/Kafr Thulth ***image2***Over 600 villagers from Azzun and Kafr Thulth in Qalqiliya gathered on lands confiscated by the Occupation Forces for its Apartheid Wall in their ongoing resistance to the theft and destruction of their lands. Here the Apartheid Wall, in conjunction with the Jewish-only bypass roads with their buffer zones and metal fences, ghettoizes […]

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Simultaneous Protests Mark Land Week and Continuing Resistance to the Apartheid Wall

***image2***Activities organized by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, and the National Committee to Resist the Apartheid Wall, to mark the commemoration of Land Day kicked off on Wednesday the 30th of March. Popular mobilization ensured demonstrations took place in Hebron/Surif, Bil’in/Saffa and Bethlehem. Surif, Hebron City In the northwest of Hebron City (Surif), over 1000 people […]

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Work in constructing the Apartheid Wall continues unabated

Occupation bulldozers are currently operating non-stop in the implementation of the second and third phases of the Apartheid Wall. It is creating the realities on the ground for shaping the Zionist Colonial Project for Palestine. Ramallah District: Villagers defend trees from settlers Occupation bulldozers have been razing the land and uprooting trees for one month […]

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Land Week in Honour of Land Day! Press Release in a Week   Press Release     March 25th, 2005     Land Week in Honour of Land Day!     In popular resistance we stand against settlements and colonization, and demand implementation of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision to demolish the Wall!   Oh crowds of people! Oh those devastated […]

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Despite Occupation Checkpoints and Blocked Gates of the PNA Compound: Over 5000 Protestors Refuse to Accept the Apartheid Wall Making Their Voices Heard in Front of Kofi Annan

RAMALLAH (WEST BANK), PALESTINE – While villagers were delayed, and in many instances barred entry at Occupation Checkpoints throughout the West Bank, a huge crowd of over 5000 thronged the streets of Ramallah to protest at the gates of the Muqata’, the compound of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), where Secretary-General of the UN Kofi […]