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Film screening in Montreal to denounce the Bantustanization of Palestine!

On the 10th of November 2004, as part of the 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall, the Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights in Montreal, Canada, hosted Andrew Courtney (a freelance photographer that has visited Palestine over the course of 17 years) and Emily Perry, in McGill University, where they screened the film they had […]

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9th-16th November 2004 – 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall Press Release

Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apar   **For Immediate Release**   November 8, 2004   9th-16th November 2004 – 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall: Massive Mobilization in over 20 Countries Worldwide!   Contact:        Jamal Juma’: +972-52-285-610; Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign: +972-265-65-890;  —      The 9th – 16th of November 2004 marks the […]

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9th-16th November 2004 – 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall Press Release

Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apar   **For Immediate Release**   November 8, 2004   9th-16th November 2004 – 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall: Massive Mobilization in over 20 Countries Worldwide!   Contact:        Jamal Juma’: +972-52-285-610; Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign: +972-265-65-890;  —      The 9th – 16th of November 2004 marks the […]

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Occupation Forces Continue Uprooting Olive Trees, Imprisoning Marda

***image2***Occupation Forces entered the village of Marda, in the Salfit District, on Wednesday, October 26, imposing curfew on the village and preventing the residents from reaching their lands for olive picking during this harvest season as the Occupation Forces uprooted six fruit bearing olive trees in the southwest portion of the village. This follows the […]

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List of Planned Activities for the International Week Against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16

Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Press Release Tear Down the Apartheid Wall in Palestine! Stop Israeli Apartheid and Occupation! NOW! List of Planned Activities for the International Week Against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16 Updated November 11 The 9th – 16th& of November 2004 marks the 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall called for by the […]

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List of Planned Activities for the International Week Against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16

Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Press Release Tear Down the Apartheid Wall in Palestine! Stop Israeli Apartheid and Occupation! NOW! List of Planned Activities for the International Week Against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16 Updated November 11 The 9th – 16th& of November 2004 marks the 2nd International Week against the Apartheid Wall called for by the […]

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The Wall, Israeli Apartheid and the Right of Return in Focus at the Norwegian Social Forum

Only two weeks after the European Social Forum, the Norwegian Social Forum took place in Oslo from the 21st – 24th of October. Among the over 90 different workshops and seminars that took place, the Norwegian Association of NGOs for Palestine (a platform of 20 Norwegian trade unions, political parties and humanitarian organisations that coordinates […]

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The Wall, Israeli Apartheid and the Right of Return in Focus at the Norwegian Social Forum

Only two weeks after the European Social Forum, the Norwegian Social Forum took place in Oslo from the 21st – 24th of October. Among the over 90 different workshops and seminars that took place, the Norwegian Association of NGOs for Palestine (a platform of 20 Norwegian trade unions, political parties and humanitarian organisations that coordinates […]